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Well Pump Slow to Build Pressure: Possible Causes & How to Fix Them

The well pump in your house needs consistent pressure to run. If it doesn’t get adequate pressure, it won’t be able to pull water in time. This increases the time required to turn it on and provide water to a great extent. 

You might ask, what to do if my well pump is slow to build pressure? 

First, we need to find the cause behind the slow rise of pressure. The pressure drops greatly if your impellers are worn out. You’d need to get them replaced in this case. If there’s a hole in the pipe, it will also slow down the pressure. You’ll need to repair the system completely. 

That’s not all! If you want to fix this problem, you’ll need to know the details. Read through our article to find out how you can fix your pump

How Long Does it Take for a Well Pump to Build Pressure? 

First, you need to know whether your well pump is taking too long to draw pressure or not. For that, you need to know how long it takes to build pressure. While there are a lot of factors in play such as the size of the pump, quality, etc. We can make an estimate to help us out.

A large pump can require as short as 45 seconds to as long as two minutes. If you have a pump that’s old or you have a massive pump, it might be different. 

If your pump takes as long as 4 minutes or higher, there might be some problems.

If your pump has a rattling noise while building pressure, you need to get it checked as soon as possible.

Well Pump Slow to Build Pressure: Possible Causes and Solutions

Your well pump can be slow to build pressure for multiple reasons. Look out for the cause behind your pump being slow to build pressure. And then fix the problem accordingly.

Your Impellers Have Worn Out 

The most common reason for well pumps to reduce pressure is due to the impellers. The impellers help build pressure and reach water upward from the ground. 

With time, the impellers can get worn out and lose efficiency. This generally happens if your impellers are older than 10 years or more. How do you deal with these?

Sadly, there is no easy fix to this problem. You have to call your plumber and get your impellers repaired. If they’re too damaged, you might need to get the entire thing replaced.

There is Sediment in Your Pipes 

If you have very low pressure, including stuck shut off valves, chances are your pipes are stuck. The minerals and other gunk in the water can sediment in the pipes closing it out. 

You need to clean the entire well thoroughly in this case. You have to turn off the water supply for a day. Then clean the well with a special solution that can work with iron bacteria. 

If you’re looking for the right cleaning solution, check our recommendations:

Product 1
Product 2

These are some of the best cleaning solutions available. They will definitely live up to your expectations!

There is a Leak in Your Pipes

Sometimes your pressure might build up initially, only to lose it along the way. This happens due to a leak in the pipes. The pressure builds up and then emits away from the leaked parts. 

Also, in some cases, you might hear water running with no leaks, but those are rare occasions. 

Having a leak in your pipes is not only bad for your pump. It’s also dangerous for the entire system. If you notice a leak, immediately call your plumber and get the entire system checked. 

You might need an entire system repair, but it’s important that you deal with it carefully.

Factors That Can Affect Your Pumps Longevity

A good pump will last a fairly long time if taken care of. We often make common mistakes that affect our pump in the long run. 

Here are a few factors that could drastically reduce our pumps lifespan if not taken care of: 

Inadequate Size

While choosing the right pump for your house, ensuring the right size of the pump is key. If the pump is too small, it’ll constantly overwork itself and affect its longevity.

When choosing a pump, take your plumbing system into account. The number of faucets, appliances that require water, etc. is an important factor to be taken into account. 

Power Loss

Consistent electricity is very important for your pump, especially when it’s running. Sometimes, due to overloads and power outages, your pump might trip it’s circuit breaker. 

If that problem is due to a power outage, turn it back on immediately. If it keeps happening without outages, there might be a bigger problem that needs your action immediately.

Low Water Table 

Sometimes, your area might have a drought or dry spell. You might get muddy or murky water from your taps. 

While these problems will get better with the season, they have a massive toll on your pump. Make sure to get it checked by a mechanic afterward.

Also, you might need to dig your pipes lower if the murky waters continue for too long. 

With that, we’ve discussed everything you need to know about the low pressure in your well pump!


Question: What is the normal pressure for a well pump?
Answer: The normal pressure range for a good well pump is between 40 to 60 psi

Question: Can I increase my pump’s water pressure?
Answer: Yes, you can increase your pump’s pressure manually. Most pumps have a button or lever for you to change the pressure.

Question: Can water pressure drop abruptly for natural causes?
Answer: If your underground water supply depletes for some reason, your water pressure might drop as well.

Final Word 

The pressure of your well pump is very important in maintaining a consistent water supply for your house. If you have a well pump slow to build pressure, you need immediate action.

In this article, we’ve discussed everything you need to know about low pressure in your pumps. We hope you find this article helpful!