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Worms In The Toilet – Here’s What To Do

Shocked at the horrifying sight below as you’re staring at your toilet? Well, believe it or not, having worms in your toilet is pretty common.

What should you do if you find worms in the toilet?

If you have worms in the toilet, first identify the type. Each type of worm has a different eradication method. You should also be aware of the cause for their emergence. The most effective method would be to use vinegar and baking soda. You can also use powdered salt, curry salt, lotion, etc.  

Want to know the details? No worries, we’ve delved deeper into this issue. So read along!

Reason Behind The Emergence Of Worms

Many different kinds of worms may appear in your toilet. Most of these don’t pose a threat to humans. We’ve narrowed down the four most common types of worms that appear in toilets.

  • Earthworms
  • Bloodworms
  • Horsehair Worms
  • Drain Fly Larvae

Down below we’ve mentioned the most common reasons behind the emergence of worms. Make sure you know what’s your reason, so you can prevent it in the future.

Stagnant Waters

Some worms thrive in low-oxygenated and stagnant waters. Blood worms are the usual culprit in these situations. 

This is due to the high concentration of iron-porphyrin protein in their blood. If your toilet has a stagnant water supply, it’s highly likely to be filled with bloodworms.

Their presence in your bathroom is a big red flag for your hygiene. 

Cracked Sewer Pipes

If you find cracked sewer pipes in your toilet, these could be the reason behind worms.

The gaps in the pipe serve as an entryway for earthworms. 

Insect Infestations

Sometimes the presence of other insects attracts worms. They are parasites that live off of insects like cockroaches, grasshoppers, beetles, and crickets. The presence of horsefly worms could mean there are dead grasshoppers in your bathroom or near the toilet. 

Horsehair worms are long yet very thin, with an opaque color. As a result, they are easily distinguished.

Drain Fly Breeding Ground

Drain Fly Larvae are the most common pests that can be in your toilet. You most likely have a drain fly infestation if you have drain fly larvae.

Your drain pipes are the perfect breeding ground for drain flies.

These resemble tiny, slender worms with a dark dorsal stripe. This stripe is their breathing tube.

In conclusion, regularly cleaning your bathrooms should stop these infestations. Some pests arise because of leaks between the sewage line and your toilet. Grouting between the baseboard and tiles may solve this problem.

How To Get Rid Of These Worms?

Now that you’ve successfully identified the pests and know the cause of their emergence, let’s move and exterminate them.

Some of these ways require the use of chemicals. To avoid hazardous chemical burns, wear gloves.

If you’re not sure which gloves to buy, have a look at our recommendations below-


Now that you’re protected, let’s move on to exterminating the worms.


Earthworms are pretty easy to kill as they have dozens of weaknesses. Most of these weaknesses are lying in your cupboard.

Here’s what to need to get rid of them-

  • Curry Salt
  • Powdered Salt
  • Toilet Lotion

Sprinkling any of these on top of them would result in their demise.

Remember that this is simply a temporary solution. Most pests use these drains as an entry point. 

To keep these worms away from your toilet, you must regularly clean them. Often, not cleaning results in black soots that also attract centipedes. 

Getting rid of centipedes can be quite tough unlike earthworms So don’t forget to give your bathrooms a good wash every other day.


Bloodworms thrive in stagnant water. Toilets provide a wonderful environment for them since they feed on organic matter. Fortunately, bloodworms may be eradicated swiftly.

Thankfully you don’t need hazardous chemicals for this process. Here’s what you need to eradicate bloodworms-

  • Baking-soda
  • Vinegar
  • Spraying bottle

The general ratio of vinegar to baking soda is ⅓ cup of soda per cup of vinegar. Put the solution into the spraying bottle. Spray them with the solution until they are killed.

Pouring this mixture down your toilet and drain is also a good idea. This gets rid of all the organic matter they feed on. Remember to finish by pouring boiling water down after this.

You should regularly clean your bathroom with bleach and other alkaline solutions. Making sure you have a clean water supply will stop bloodworms from emerging.

Keeping your drainage system clean is a long-term preventive measure for bloodworms.

Horsehair Worms

Horsehair worms, like bloodworms and earthworms, can be easily killed. Simply spray them with vinegar and baking soda solution, or sprinkle them with curry salt.

Since they mate in moist areas, there’s a chance of eggs being there. If you fear their eggs have polluted your restroom, make sure to thoroughly clean it as well. 

Any moist surface should be sprayed with the vinegar-baking soda mixture. This will completely eliminate the eggs.

Drain Fly Larvae

Drain flies breed in moist areas. You should check your drain pipes, septic tanks, and floors in that case. The presence of drain flies implies that eggs have been released.

To inspect the area they bred on, you’ll need the following-

  • sticky tape
  • salt, vinegar
  • baking soda a 
  • water pot

First, place the sticky tape on top of the drain. Leave it overnight so it catches the flies escaping.

If there are flies caught on the tape, this means they’ve laid eggs below. 

Combine a cup of vinegar, ½  cup of salt, and ½  cup of baking soda to make a solution. Pour everything down the drain and soak it overnight.

The eggs of the fly are poisoned by this combination. To ensure they are eradicated, pour boiling water to finish the job.

Repeat for a week if you still see flies emerging from the drain. This should get rid of any worms in your toilet.

To summarise, this is how you get rid of worms from your toilet. Pests can get through air ventilators and open ducts, so we recommend properly insulating them. This way you can say goodbye to worms forever!


Question: Do black worms in your toilet pose a threat to you?

Answer: No, black worms are absolutely harmless to humans.

Question: What type of larvae are the white worms in my house?

Answer: They are most likely common house-fly larvae or maggots. These wiggling pests feed on the rotten matter to develop into their next stage in life.

Question: What is the average lifespan of a black worm?

Answer: Black worms typically have a lifespan of about 10 to 14 days, depending on the environment they live in.


You now know what to do if you discover worms in the toilet. Hopefully, our solutions came in handy for your pest control.

Stay safe and good luck getting rid of the pests!