Have your old plastered walls started peeling? Well, it’s time for a new paint job! And if you think of repainting, you’ll have to prime your wall first.
So now you might be in distress about picking the best primer for old plaster walls?
Among the various options, oil primer can be used if your plaster is peeling off. And if the case is related to mildew and stains, then a stain-blocking primer would do the work. If not then you can go for the binding primer.
Now that you know the answers, let’s dive in for the details.
Best Primer for Old Plaster Wall: 3 Choices!
It’s understandable that you’re already quite worried about your plastered wall. And you’re wanting to find the best primers to seal it.
So here we are with the list of the 3 best primers for plastered walls.
Oil Primers
So first let’s just simply consider your wall’s condition yours. It’s all bumpy and rough. On top of the bumps, there remain some tiny stains that can be seen through the paint.
The situation of plaster getting bumpy is pretty normal for plastered walls. Soon the plaster starts peeling off, leaving the whole wall dried up and scratchy. And humidity will make your walls damp, especially, if the wall is exposed to smokes blowing back from pellet stove or so.
And now you see emerging little bumps and uneven surfaces. Which creates an unattractive look that you would not want at all.
So if you could relate to this situation, just use an oil primer. By hearing the name, you could guess that it’s an oil-based primer. But it is an all in one solution for all old plastered walls.
But before you apply oil-based primer to the walls, make sure to scratch off any remaining residue on the wall. Then use sandpaper to smoothen the surface.
Now it’s time to apply the oil-based primer. Apply it as a top coat over your wall. Then wait for 4-6 hours and you’re good to apply the paint. It is always wise to apply matte paint over an oil-based primer.
So that the primer matches the paint and doesn’t get too oily. And if you’re worried about the oily smell, just clean the walls with soap water to remove the smell.
Remember how you used to wash your clothes with liquid soap to get the gear smell out of your clothes. It’s the same for walls as well.
If you want to know some of our favorite oil primers then here we go:
Oil primer 1 |
Oil primer 2 |
So from here just choose the right oil-based primer for you. We prefer oil-based ones mostly because they can help in binding, sealing, and stain removal.
Binding Primers
So you might have known that the main purpose of the primers is binding the particles together so that we can have a flat surface to apply paint on. But who knew that there’s a particular primer that specifically helps with the binding process.
So let’s give you a proper insight. Have you noticed that your wall tends to peel off in small sections and then slowly a huge portion just comes off?
If yes then you know how frustrating it is. You’ve lost the battle between twin hammer vs twin-clutch and chosen the wrong one for your wall. So the plaster has started peeling off from that point.
And to get rid of these weathered walls, you need to apply a binding primer. The formula of a binding primer is usually thick. But no matter how the consistency is, it surely helps in binding all the particles together.
And it ensures that no part of the wall comes off by itself.
When you’re trying to add a binding primer to your walls, make sure to wear a mask because it has this weird smell. But after you let it dry for 4 hours, you can add any sort of latex paint so that the texture is not too thick. You can use either Porter Paint or Sherwin Williams for this.
Hence we suggest the following binding primers that do the work just perfectly.
Binding Primer 1 |
Binding Primer 2 |
Stain Blocking Primers
Well, we’ve already mentioned that having a plaster wall is good in many ways. But the plaster stains are stubborn. And if you’ve tried getting rid of them, then you know it’s nearly impossible.
But don’t lose your hopes yet. Because no matter how stubborn the stains are, you can just get rid of them in no time. All you have to do is search for a stain-blocking primer. This will work against molds as well when applied to your wall.
But before applying make sure to sand the wall properly, so that it creates an even surface. Now just simply add the stain-blocking primer.
This specific type of primer will help to remove the previous stains as well as protect your walls against mildews. So you can just get to work with your Bin Primer, without any second thought.
Also, the stain-blocking primer is a water-based primer that covers up the porous surface and helps to smoothen it. So when you apply paint over, it looks smooth and perfect.
Now, you won’t have to worry about molds building all over the painted surface…
We’ve listed our favorite stain-blocking primers just below.
Stain Blocking Primer 1 |
Stain Blocking Primer 2 |
All these primers can serve whatever issue you may have with plastered walls. Thus, all you have to do is choose one and you’ll be good to go!
But there’s a catch-
If you’re dealing with holes on your drywall, you might need to fetch quality PVA primers. Because regular primers won’t be that much of a use if you’re dealing with dry wall holes.
Do I need to seal the old wall with primer before applying paint?
Yes, it is a must to apply primer to seal the old plastered wall. Because if you don’t apply a primer beforehand, then the paint will come off easily.
How to prepare new plaster walls for painting?
Well if your wall is newly plastered then you need to wait until the plaster dries. Then apply a topcoat. And finally, add the paint when the topcoat dries up.
Can drywall primer be used on plastered walls?
Yes drywall primers can also be used on plastered walls. For example, the stain-blocking primer is meant for both surfaces.
So, you made it to the last with us. Hope you’ve got the idea of the 3 best primers for old plaster walls.
Now just start working on your wall and let us know which primer worked for you.
Thank you and happy painting!