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Magic Chef Refrigerator Is Not Cooling: 10 Steps to Fix It!

Magic Chef is a brand for mini-fridges that have become common convenient appliances everywhere. Magic Chef refrigerators not cooling properly is a problem that people often struggle with. Do you as well? Don’t stress it because I am here to help you fix it!

What to do if your Magic Chef refrigerator is not cooling?

I have assorted a 10-step guideline to help you fix this issue in a jiffy! This includes inspecting various parts of your refrigerator. Such as the condenser coils, fan motor, the evaporator fan motor. They also include the start relay, the start capacitor, etc. This guideline will do the trick!

There are more steps and in-depth instructions regarding them in store for you in this article. 

What’s holding you? Dive right in!

How to Fix A Magic Chef Refrigerator: 10 Simple Steps

Sometimes, people even struggle with something as simple as cleaning the water lines. So, it’s okay for you to struggle with your fridge facing cooling issues. 

Let’s have a look at the 10 steps to fix your Magic Chef refrigerator if it doesn’t cool:

Step 1 of 10: Check The Condenser Coil

Condenser coils are typically found beneath a refrigerator. As refrigerant runs through them, they disperse heat.

The condenser coils will not disperse heat adequately if they are filthy. As dirt accumulates on the coils, the refrigerator’s efficiency decreases, requiring it to work more to chill down.

The refrigerator may not be able to keep the right temperature if the coils are excessively dusty. Examine the condenser coils for grime. 

I suggest that you clean the condenser coils if they are dusty.

Step 2 of 10: Check The Condenser Fan Motor

The condenser fan motor is used to draw air. It does so through the condenser coils and  the compressor. The malfunction of the condenser fan motor fetters the refrigerator to cool adequately.

To evaluate whether the fan motor is faulty, first inspect the fan blade for blockages. Then, you can try to rotate the blade of the fan motor blade using your hand. I recommend that you replace the condenser fan motor if it’s malfunctioning

If there are no blockages and the blade spins easily, there could be connection issues. Use a multimeter to check the fan motor’s electric connection. 

You must replace the condenser fan motor if it does not have a connection. Here I have mentioned some quality multimeters just for you!

Product 1
Product 2

Hopefully you’ll love these products!

Step 3 of 10: Inspect The Evaporator Fan Motor

The evaporator fan motor circulates air through various chambers by drawing from the evaporator coils. Refrigerators usually have one evaporator fan but they could have multiple as well.

The evaporator fan is responsible for the circulation of cold air. But it cannot do so if it is inoperative.

For this reason, sometimes the freezer gets cold, but the refrigerator does not.

Inspect if the evaporator fan motor is faulty or not by using your hands. Replace the fan motor if the fan blade does not revolve freely. In addition, if the motor is exceptionally loud, it should be replaced.

Finally, if the motor doesn’t start, use a multimeter to check the motor rotation for connection. Reinstall the evaporator fan motor if the windings do not have a connection.

Step 4 of 10: Check The Start Relay

First, you need to inspect the condition of the start relay. You can use a multimeter to check connectivity to see if the wiring needs fixing. If you find a connection issue, replace the start relay altogether.

Furthermore, if the start relay smells burnt, it must be replaced.

Step 5 of 10: Inspect The Temperature Control Thermostat

The temperature control thermostat helps the refrigerant system to operate. If it fails, it could cause the refrigerator to not cool.

To inspect the thermostat, change the regulator from highest to lowest. Now, see if you find a ticking sound or not. 

If you do, it is most likely that it isn’t functioning properly. If you don’t hear a ticking sound, check its connection.

If you find a connection issue using a multimeter, you need a replacement. Otherwise, the problem will worsen.

Step 6 of 10: Inspect The Start Capacitor

The start capacitor works as the power source to the other parts.

The compressor may fail to start if the start capacitor malfunctions. As a result, the refrigerator faces cooling issues.

Check for connectivity to inspect its condition. Replace the start capacitor if it is faulty.

Step 7 of 10: Inspect The Temperature Control Board

It acts as the power source for the compressor and fan motors.

If it fails, electricity will not reach the cooling system causing cooling problems. Or, it could create a power surge causing the breaker to trip.

This, however, is not a regular event. Misdiagnosis of control boards is very typical. So, before you replace the control board, inspect all of the more often faulty components first.

Replace the temperature control board if none of the other components are faulty.

Step 8 of 10: Check The Thermistor

The thermistor helps the compressor and evaporator fan to operate accordingly.  Consequently, if it malfunctions, cooling issues arise vehemently.

Use a multimeter to inspect if there is a connectivity issue. Also, the resistance of the thermistor fickles along with the temperature.

Replace the thermistor if the resistance doesn’t change or if the thermistor doesn’t have a connection.

Step 9 of 10: Check The Compressor

It’s rare, but a broken compressor could be the cause of your refrigerator not cooling.

A loose connection between the electrical pins could cause it to malfunction. If it is faulty, you’ll find that it has an open circuit.

With professional help, you should replace it.

Step 10 of 10: Inspect The Main Control Board

Sometimes it is your main control board that is not working. But this is super rare to happen and usually is never the case.

Examine all of the most typically faulty pieces before changing the main control board. I believe replacing it if it isn’t the other parts that are faulty, should work.

I hope that these solutions work for you well! Sometimes for the very same reasons refrigerators suddenly stop working.


Question: What should I check first if my refrigerator stops working?

Answer: If your refrigerator has ceased functioning and the light is off, it indicates that it has stopped. Sometimes a fridge may shut down due to a lack of power. The first item to look for is the breaker for the circuit that serves the refrigerator.

Question: Do all refrigerators have fuses to safeguard them?

Answer: Most new refrigerators lack built-in electrical fuses to safeguard them. However, they feature thermal fuses to safeguard them from overheating. It reacts if the refrigerator overheats. It does so by disconnecting the part that’s emitting too much heat. 

Question: Should I add Freon to my refrigerator?

Answer: It is difficult to add Freon to a refrigerator. If you install Freon incorrectly, you risk permanently ruining your refrigerator. Freon is also poisonous and, if consumed, can cause a number of health concerns.

Final Words

Hopefully now you won’t struggle if your Magic Chef refrigerator is not cooling properly. This 10-step guideline should do the trick for you!

I always recommend hiring a certified technician for repairing the parts.

I’ll see you in another article very soon. Till then, sayonara!