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How to Wire a 2 Speed Motor to a Switch: All You Need to Know

Two-speed motors have a higher operating speed and a lower starting speed. Many individuals have trouble connecting the motor to a switch. But, in actuality, it’s rather simple.

How to wire a 2 speed motor to a switch?

Wiring a 2 speed motor to a switch is very easy. First, you need to connect an AC power source to the motor’s common terminal. Next, the switch must be connected to the low-speed contact on the motor. Lastly, cross-check the circuit by running the motor. 

Seems pretty easy right? This article will make it crystal clear to you. So, just hop into this wagon and get started!

2 Speed Motors: General Overview

In two-speed motors, a switch is oriented toward either the high- or low-speed coil. You’ll be in control of determining what pace the engine should run at. In these multi-speed motors, coils are employed to produce two separate magnetic fields. As a result, they produce various speeds. 

Various coils provide different speeds in a two-speed motor. Therefore, there are frequently two input wires. A common external wire connects the low- and high-speed coils. In most cases, a red wire is used to power the low-speed coil. 

A black cable is used to feed the high-speed coil. A two-speed motor switch is required to switch between the speeds. As a result, energizing both coils at the same time is impossible.

The technique of correctly rewiring or creating a two-speed motor is quite basic. However, adequate safety precautions must be followed. You need to match the current units as well. Because any task involving wire or electricity is potentially hazardous.

3 Steps to Wire a 2 Speed Motor to a Switch

I’ve broken down wiring a 2 switch motor to a switch into 3 simple steps for you. Follow the steps accordingly and you’ll be done without any hassle.

Step 1: Connect the Motor Terminal to the Power Source

For the first step, you’ll need the following items. It’s important to properly wire this type of high-low switch-

  • An AC power source
  • A double-pole-double-throw switch
  • A two-speed motor 

Three terminals are used in most DPDT switches. That’s because a high-speed, low-speed, and common wire will be connected to them. Connect the AC power supply’s common connection to the motor’s common terminal using a wire.

Step 2: Connecting the Supply Line

Determine the location of the black power supply line. Then attach it to the switch’s center terminal. Then, using a red wire, connect the switch to the motor’s low-speed contact.

The high-speed connection of the motor should then be connected to the switch.

Make this connection using a black wire. A loose connection might be responsible for a worn switch. So take care of that. 

Step 3: Cross-Check

You may now turn on your motor and double-check that the switch is in good working order. The motor runs slowly when the switch is turned in the direction of the red-wired connection.

When flipped in the direction of the black-wired terminal, it should run at a rapid speed. Turn off the power if this isn’t the case. You’ll have to swap out which wires connect to which terminals. This is done to guarantee that they are properly arranged.

To connect a two-speed motor to a switch, simply follow these three steps.  

Things to Keep in Mind

While you go through this process, there are certain things that you should keep in mind. I’ve listed down some. So have a look-

Selecting a Contractor for Motor

To choose the proper contractor for your motor application, follow these three steps. To begin, acquire the necessary information from your vehicle’s nameplate. Then, for the load type, locate the appropriate manufacturer’s datasheet and selection guideline. Finally, make your decision. 

Wiring Safety Precautions

Before you undertake any job involving electricity, make sure everyone around you is aware of your plans. Check that the motor is unplugged or disconnected before you start working on it. 

You can switch off the electricity to the unit at the circuit breaker box to be extra careful. For this sort of undertaking, high-voltage gloves and equipment with insulated grips are also a good idea.

Knowing the Color Indicators

Connect the yellow wire to the common terminal. The one in the L1 terminal is red. The Blue, on the other hand, is directed to the L2 terminal. 

Similarly, the gray wire is also connected to the same terminal. In the L1 terminal, the Brown one. The Black, on the other hand, enters into the L2 terminal.

It’s a switch loop if the black and white wires are joined together. The white wire that connects to the black wire powers the switch. The black wire of the same cable returns the switched power to the outlet.

Since this is electrical work, you should remember these tips at all times. Never skip the safety measures. And you’ll be good to go!


Question: What do the letters L1 and L2 on an electric motor mean?

Answer: The Line is represented by the L symbol. The power for the motor comes from the incoming circuit wires. L1 and L2, for example, imply that the motor voltage could be 240 volts.

Question: What is the difference between two-speed and single-speed motors?

Answer: A single-speed motor is regarded as having just high speed. A two-speed motor that can operate at low or high speed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Question: Why is it necessary to have more than one speed on a motor?

Answer: Multi-speed motors are 50 to 100 percent more expensive than single-speed motors. In facilities with significant day-to-night variations, two-speed motors can be employed to conserve energy. Especially in air volume management.

Summing Up

I hope you can now execute how to wire a 2 speed motor to a switch.

One last tip- never consider yourself too pro. And never skip the safety measures. Always keep people around you who know what you’re doing. Also, make certain that they understand what to do in the event of an accident.

With this, I wish you good luck! I hope you pull this off easily.