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How to Close the Gap Between Dishwasher and Countertop?

The kitchen’s not a place where you can throw in a lot of furniture to make it look stylish. But you can focus on the details to make it look sophisticated. For instance, you can close the gap between the dishwasher and the countertop. But how do you do it without professional help? You need …

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Why Gas Fireplace Turns On By Itself: 4 Crucial Reasons

Isn’t it spooky when a gas fireplace turns on by itself? At first, it may appear like a scene from a horror movie. However, on a careful analysis, the reasons will appear logical. What is the mystery behind why the gas fireplace turns on by itself? The main reason behind this is always the faulty …

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How Far Should A Rain Shower Head Be From The Wall

On one hand, placing the shower head too far away from the wall splashes against the wall. On the other hand if it’s too close you end up feeling suffocated. The confusion never seems to go away.  How far should a rain shower head be from the wall? The answer depends on two factors. One …

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Electric Outlet Hard to Plug In: Reasons and Solutions

The new electric outlets are pretty fussy. It seems like they don’t want anything to be plugged into them. All they do is repel everything out like some unwanted guests. Why is the new and improved electric outlet hard to plug in? The new tamper-resistant outlets are designed to require an extra push to get …

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How to Turn a Sunroom Into a Bedroom: Complete Upgrade

People hardly use their sunrooms nowadays. It simply sits around like the white crayons in a color box. Well, why don’t you put it into some use? Despite having endless possibilities the most useful thing would be an extra bedroom. Now, the question is how to turn a sunroom into a bedroom without tearing up …

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How Much Does It Cost to Furnish a 2000 Sq. Ft. House

Furnishing can bring back the dead house into life. So, you might end up going a tad bit overboard when decorating your home. However, you need to set a budget, or else you’ll go bankrupt. How much does it cost to furnish a 2000 sq. ft. house on a medium-sized budget? You’ll have to allocate about $16,200 …

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What Happens if a Pressure Cooker Runs Out of Water: The Aftermath

You might have seen some dramatic movies where the pressure cooker explodes when the water dries up. So, that might get you thinking if it’s true or not. Well, to answer that question, you must ask another question. What happens if a pressure cooker runs out of water: does it explode, or have mercy on …

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How to Avoid Double Gates Blowing Shut: The Complete 6-Step Process

The wind is the biggest enemy of all for the good old double gates. It’s as if the wind doesn’t want the double gates to rest in peace. No, they have to blow over them and slam them together whenever they pass by. How to avoid double gates blowing shut before the wind knocks them …

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How To Stop Extractor Vents Rattling In The Wind: 3 Reliable Solutions

After a tiring day everyone wants a good night’s sleep but if the vents rattle in the wind that wishes can go down the drain. It acts like the background noise that you simply can’t blur out. How to stop extractor vents rattling in the wind before it makes your eardrums bleed? You can either …

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Best Flooring for Pier and Beam House: 3 Alternatives

Do you have a pier and beam house that needs its floors repaired? Well, then it’s the perfect time to experiment with new floors and find the right one. But before you go on a blind hunt we have some great options you can choose from. You might get all confused and ask: what is …

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